
Papers and preprints

  1. Chamorro, D., Llerena, D. & Vergara-Hermosilla , G. Some remarks about the stationary Micropolar fluid equations: existence, regularity and uniqueness . (2023) Accepted in: Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications arxiv.
  2. Chamorro, D., Llerena, D. Partial suitable solutions for the micropolar equations and regularity properties. (2023) Preprint. arxiv.
  3. Chamorro, D., Llerena, D. A crypto-regularity result for the micropolar fluids equations. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 520(2). (2023). journal, arxiv.
  4. Chamorro, D., Llerena, D. Interior ϵ-regularity theory for the solutions of the magneto-micropolar equations with a perturbation term. J Elliptic Parabol Equ 8, 555–616 (2022). journal, arxiv.
  5. Alvarez-Samaniego, B., Alvarez-Samaniego, W.P. & Llerena-Montenegro, D. Approximate identities for the Schwartz space. Anal.Math.Phys. 11, 21 (2021). journal.

Research groups

Part of the research group of analysis and PDE's, GANEP.